Sunday, August 22, 2010

It is all up to me

The school quarter is over next week. This is both good and bad news to me. On the one hand I am very glad to be done with my classes and grad school, on the other hand this means it is all to me from here on out.

The thesis class (though tedious) turned out to be very helpful to my thesis research and writing. I was very glad to have the help and support from my professor and my peers. We covered and finished a lot more than I had expected in the 10 short weeks. My Literature Chapter (chapter 2) is all but finished. My Research Methodology Chapter (chapter 3) is more than half way done, and chapter 4: Research Findings has been started. My abstract is also mostly done. All that is left to do is Chapter 1, an introduction and background to the thesis topic, and the conclusion chapter: Results and Analysis of Data. The first chapter will be easy, the last will be harder and have to wait till everything else is done.

After my thesis is complete and approved by my thesis committee I will have to defend my thesis. "Defending" sounds more challenging than it really is, all it really means is to prepare a presentation on what you have studied, how you studied it and what you have learned. The remaining work for my thesis and defense is now left all up to me. I must admit I am a bit nervous. From here on out I must set my own schedule and keep myself on task. I will keep in contact with my support network outside of class: my friends, family, peers, and of course my thesis committee.

It has been a rough road on this path of writing a thesis. No one ever said success would come easy. Getting a graduate degree has been the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. I am bruised, tired, and worn out, but this road has almost come to an end.

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